Noida International Institute of Medical Sciences (NIIMS) is a leading integrated healthcare service provider in India.
Noida International University (NIU) has dedicated the hospital to the society with the aims to provide the best facilities along with updated equipments and state of the art medical services. The healthcare verticals of the company primarily comprise of hospitals, diagnostics and day care specialty facilities.
With a vision to provide world class healthcare, we are committed to the highest standards of medical & service excellence, patient care, scientific knowledge and medical education. It aims at saving and enriching the lives of our beloved patients and people who are connected with us.
Our Values
Our key values which govern and drive our institute towards high scale being the best in providing healthcare services to all are as follows:
- Patient Centricity: We are committed to provide our patients the best experience along with world-class treatment which will help deliver the desired outcomes. Our patients are our first priority and we treat them with compassion, care and understanding.
- Teamwork: We believe in the power of oneness and thus our team supports each other and treats our patients with utmost care. Putting the organization’s needs before the department, we respect and value our staff members and their opinion & experiences.
- Innovation: We are committed towards continual improvement and innovation which will exceed our expectations, we challenge ourselves to do things differently for the benefit of our patients. We strongly follow the can-do attitude in all walks of life.
- Morale: We aim to stay open, honest and demonstrate moral courage always. We make sure to go beyond our call of duty to deliver the best and take pride in our actions.