Study MBBS in France

MBBS in France follows a different style of teaching. In France, medical studies are divided into three cycles (PCEM, DCEM, and general medicine residency or other specialties) which leads to a State Doctor of Medicine Diploma.
For students of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Odontology, and Physio-kinesiotherapy in the French medical study system, the first two years are common. The first cycle lasts for 2 years. At the end of the first year, only about 15 to 20% of first-year students go into the second year by a competitive examination.
Each medical faculty or department accepts only 8% of the foreign students of total admissions from outside the European Union. The competitive examination is common to medicine, midwifery, and odontology. Students can not enroll more than twice in the first-year program.
The second cycle lasts for four years. The fourth-year students must have successfully completed the second cycle and passed the theoretical course exams, in order to go on to the third cycle.
The third cycle includes two programs of study, general medicine or other specialties, both lead to a DES, specialized Studies Diploma.