The above buildings are planned as Green buildings meeting the required standards and facilities in order to obtain LEED accreditation of “Gold” rating. The above buildings are designed to withstand earthquakes as applicable to Zone III. Special care has been taken while designing the structures so that they are thermal efficient. By adopting such design concept, entire expansion joints are totally avoided which ultimately improves efficient maintenance. It is also proposed to install solar heating systems in order to generate solar power mainly for boilers. It is proposed to go in for efficient ways to harvest rain water comprehensively emptying into the adjacent Kanakkan Lake so that it becomes a model tourist attraction. The fresh water lake has been taken over by the college and is being developed as a serene recreational area. The Medical College started functioning during the academic year 2010-11 by admitting 150 medical students in the month of July/August 2010.
Future Plans:
In future it is planned to conduct Para medical courses such as B.Sc.(Nursing), B.Sc,(MLT), Bachelor’s degree in Medical Record Sciences, Diploma in Radiography, ECG Tech, OT Tech, Trauma Tech, First-aid Tech etc. Besides it is planned to start Master’s degree and Diploma courses in various specialties such as medicine, surgery, pediatrics, orthopedics, obstetrics & gynecology, basic sciences and Para clinical subjects like pathology, microbiology, forensic medicine etc., at the end of 5 years. We plan to start higher specialty courses in subjects like cardiology, cardio-thoracic, surgery, urology, nephrology, medical and surgical gastroenterology, neurology, neuro surgery, medical and surgical oncology etc. in future.
It is also proposed to start PhD courses in Departments where facilities in terms of human resource and instrumentation exist. The thrust areas that we plan are molecular biology with special reference to molecular diagnostics, tuberculosis, clinical pharmacology and drug development, medical education, epidemiology and surveillance, nuclear medicine, history of medicine, cytogenetics, genetic counseling and palliative care. It is proposed to equip the laboratories and hospital with state of the art technology so as to deliver the best patient care and conduct research at the cutting edge of medicine.Location:
The 34 Acres (13 Ha 96 A 50 Ca) acres site is situated 2.5 Kms from city centre. The site is predominantly flat dry non-agricultural land and is gently sloping south wards to the Kanagan Lake. The northern side of the site is abutting the NH 66 to Tindivanam at ½ Km distance. The road to western side leads to villupuram via Ousteri Lake, a tourist area. The Villupuram highway NH 45 A is at 1 Km. from the 15 acre lake behind the college site. The site is surrounded by densely populated residential areas. The Mettupalayam Industrial Estate is 1 Km away on the western side.