The foundation of State Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Lucknow was laid in the year 1948 in the premises of K.G. Medical College, Lucknow under the vice chancellorship of Late Acharya Narendra Dev with the inspiration of Late Chandrabhanu Gupta. Dr. V.S. Yagnik was the first principal cum medical Suptt. of this college and subsequently the college development through the concerted efforts of Successive Principals.
The foundation of State Ayurvedic College and Hospital, Lucknow was laid in the year 1948 in the premises of K.G. Medical College, Lucknow under the vice chancellorship of Late Acharya Narendra Dev with the inspiration of Late Chandrabhanu Gupta. Dr. V.S. Yagnik was the first principal cum medical Suptt. of this college and subsequently the college development through the concerted efforts of Successive Principals. Late in year 1954 the building of Old King’s English Hospital was renovated and State Ayurvedic College, Lucknow was shifted at Tulsi Das Marg, Lucknow. In 1959, the five year syllabus course of Ayurvedacharya was started. The faculty of Ayurveda was established under the University of Lucknow where State Ayurvedic College acted as one of its constituent college. The post graduate M.D. (Ayurveda) courses in the college were started during 1971-72. Presently, the college runs BAMS (Ayurveda Charya), M.D. (Ay) in Five subjects, Ph.D. (Ayurveda), Ayurvedic Nursing and Pharmacist courses successfully.
State Ayurvedic College, Lucknow is the only college under the faculty of Ayurveda, University of Lucknow. However, the administrative control is under Director, Ayurveda and Secretary, Medical Education (Ayush Section) U.P. govt. Teaching and educational process is governed by Lucknow University first Statutes. Equality Status of college is maintained by CPMT selected students and teachers are appointed by U.P. Public Service Commission recommendation.
Research Facility
State Ayurvedic College, Lucknow had limited research facility but collaboration is done with NBRI and other medical college as per the need of project. All P.G. scholars of Clinical and non Clinical Department have to submit the thesis before final exams. Ph.D. scholars are also working in different departments and doing their work. Clinico Pathological Laboratory and 250 beded hospital is also functioning for research work. Pharmaceutical laboratory and testing lab is also functioning. College is also equipped with ECG, X-Ray and USG machine. Research publication is also done in national and international journals. Presently research work is going on gouty arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Obesity, Vitiligo, Anxiety Disorders etc.